
My vision

Becoming a small business owner will be your best decision ever!

My mission

Avoid the pitfalls when starting your small business journey.

Spend less time and money running your small business, so that you can focus on your customers.

Maximise the growth you achieve from your successful small business, so that you can live the life you want.

Business Management Partner

My story

I grew up in a family with a long tradition of self-employment. This gave me an early insight into just how much a small business owner needs to do for themselves and a perspective on living without a regular, reliable income.

When I left school, getting a job working for someone else was very different – I had a boss, regular hours and could rely on being paid a certain amount each month. Over time, I worked across all aspects of business operations – finance, IT, sales, and marketing – before moving to business change and project management.

But I was living to work rather than working to live. I had a four-hour daily commute and two children I hardly saw, and I felt like a square peg in a round hole. Something had to change. So I decided to start my own business.

I knew I had the skills, knowledge, and experience to do the work, but how do you set up, run, and grow a business? If you’ve worked for a big firm, there are other people who take care of things like finance, IT, sales, and marketing. Now, as a small business owner, YOU need to do everything, everywhere, all at once.

Yes, online resources are available to help – but it’s difficult and overwhelming to know where to start, and it takes time to wade through them all. So you learn as you go – and only discover that you’ve missed something once it’s too late or painful to do differently. 

It doesn’t have to be like that. I’m here to help you achieve growth through knowledge.

Ready to take your small business forward?